About me



Born in Guadalajara (Spain) and graduate in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid, where I had the opportunity to learn and perfect different artistic disciplines, participate in collective exhibitions and teach sculpture as a professor's assistant. Although after my studies I settled in Germany and focused on painting and drawing, I began to do commissioned works and continued developing projects in my studio in Munich. In my works, a great fascination for nature stands out, with which I try to show from its majesty to its fragility through figuration and multiple techniques such as oil painting, acrilyc, watercolors or ink.





  • 2023 Collective exhibition in Art Lab, Los Angeles
  • 2021 Solo exhibition Dichotomies in Sansaro Art Box, Munich
  • 2016 Collective exhibition PoesieBriefkästen- Flucht und Asyl in VHS-Galerie, Munich
  • 2014 Collective exhibition Migrations-Thoughts on a plate in Big Gallery- Student's City Cultural Center, Belgrade
  • 2013 Collective exhibition En el punto de mira in the gallery Isabel de Farnesio, Aranjuez, Madrid
  • 2013 Collective exhibition Mesas de trabajo in Isala Gallery, Madrid

artistic formation

  • 2009-2014 Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • 2007-2009 Arts A-levels at Guadalajara Art School

courses and congresses

  • 2012 Landscape Reading through Art Course, Matadero de Madrid
  • 2011 Xth Congress: International Sculpture Forum in Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao  
  • 2010 Arts-Educator Course by MUPAI at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • 2010 MUPAI International Congress at Universidad Complutense de Madrid 



  • 2018  Freelance artist
  • 2015-2016  Photographer and jewellery producer by Gemshine, Munich
  • 2011-2012  Assistant in the subject: Fundamentals of  Sculpture at Universidad Complutende de Madrid
  • 2011 Mural Painting at C.P. Miguel Puerta of Aranjuez, Madrid
  • 2010  Work placement Arts-Educator at Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid